Bi-Borough Place-Based Partnership

The Bi-Borough Place-Based Partnership covers our areas of West London and Central London (which largely cover the London borough's of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster).  The primary aim of our place-based partnership is to reduce inequalities across the Bi-Borough.

What does that mean in practice?

  • This means addressing current inequities, preventing future ill-health and enabling improvements in health, care and wellbeing for all.
  • We will achieve more in this area by working together than we could achieve alone.
  • We will share the power and commitment of our staff and our communities in working together towards this single aim.
  • Not all we do will be solely related to addressing inequalities, but we will measure all plans and progress through an “inequalities lens” – making sure we address related challenges/opportunities as we transform.
  • We will use our collective resources to have the biggest impact on all inequalities.

Integration in Bi-Borough has already started with our place-based partnership bringing together local council, NHS and voluntrary and community sector partners.

We believe we will be able to achieve more by working together including better joined-up care built around the needs of our populations.

Our partnership will work side-by-side with local people to develop an improved understanding of, and better responses to, their needs. This will also help us build a sustainable health and care system for all.

The improvements we make will benefit people in all stages of their life, including our children and young people.

We have agreed three objectives that we want to achieve belive will deliver real change and benefits to local residents.

A single strategy and shared priorities that will improve health and wellbeing across the Bi-Borough

  • We will develop a Bi-Borough Health & Wellbeing Strategy
  • This will help us to deliver shared outcomes across health and wellbeing areas

A partnership approach that will help us deliver improved Health and Wellbeing

  • We will develop a partnership agreement that will set out how we will work in collaboration together
  • We will deliver an organisational development plan to help us develop the values and ways of working that will allow us to come together effectively

A delivery programme that will help us deliver improved Health and Wellbeing

  • We will agree shared delivery priorities
  • We will develop a joint transformation plan

Where are we going to start?

Using our primary aim of reducing inequalities as a starting point, we have identified a set of shared priorities, or “impact areas” that will take us towards this overall objective.

To build a sustainable approach to delivery we will develop work programmes in alignment with these impact areas iteratively.​ This means building on what we have today, whilst applying what we “learn from doing” as we move forward.​

Our five impact areas are diabetes, children and young people, discharge from hospital, care homes and mental health.

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Building on our strengths


  • People have expressed willingness to engage
  • The ‘Engage, Support, Interview, Report’ model has worked well 
  • Community champion initiatives have worked well
  • We have examples of good co-production to build upon

Addressing our challenges


  • COVID-19 and the causes and learning from Grenfell
  • Digital exclusion and language barriers
  • Signposting to trustworthy information
  • Publicity around services
  • Low awareness of current priorities
  • Lack of trust and low confidence in services
  • Long waiting times and the challenges of elective care recovery
  • Growing pressures and gaps in funding across all partners

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams are a national initiative. 

We are bringing together local services across health, social care and community groups to support better health and wellbeing in our neighbourhoods. 

Our vision is to halve the life expectancy gap of residents by 2035, aligned with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Our mission is to improve the overall health and wellbeing of our local population, with additional focus given to people with more complex needs. 

INTs - An Introduction for Residents and Professionals

This document includes information on what INTs are and how they work. It describes examples of INT programmes already underway across the bi-borough, and our plans for the future.



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Bi-borough (PCEG) is established as a group of the NHS North West London Integrated Care Board (NW London ICB).

In keeping with the commitment to maintain and enhance primary care locally, as much business as possible will be transacted at NHS NW London borough level.

PCEG’s role is to oversee the development of primary care at a place based level, ensuring that NW London and national requirements are delivered and assurance provided through both the place based governance arrangements (where a decision impacts only the local geography) and the NW London Local Care governance arrangements (where more than one geography is impacted). 

Find out more about the Bi-borough PCEG and how to join our meetings in public.

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